I have had a few pairs of runners and they have been to many countries over the world. This is the Geography of my own Nike runners. The first pair of Nike runners I ever got were in Tunisia. They are manufactured over there as Nike have factories there because labour is cheap there. I got my first pair in a market in Tunisia. I was about nine or ten years old. My Nike's then came back to Ireland through Dublin airport and made their way to Co. Wicklow. My runner's came with me to Co. Wexford and Co. Kerry as well as travelling to London , Lanzorote and New York. My runners have been up beside a volcano in lanzorote and on a cliff in bray that is been eroded away. I wore my runners all the time and they made many footprints all over the place. Finally they started to break and the rain water started to come in. It was an end to my runners. They are now in a landfill in Bray now decomposing as we speak. My next few pairs of runners weren't Nike until I was in 3rd year. These runners have travelled to. They have walked many miles and done many classes of P.E with me. On a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday they make their way into Dundrum and back again. They have been around the place including Boston, New York, Spain ,Scotland and back again. They have been through 24 county's through Ireland and back to Wicklow. They have travelled thousands of miles by both foot and in suitcase's.
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