It has been said that Nike under pay there workers in the third world where Nike have there factories. Many people have complained about the unfairness of the worker's who work in the factories. Nike have their Factories in mostly Asia where there is a huge workforce and cheap labour is available. Many women and children work at these factories as they are the cheapest to employ. Many work more than 72 hours a week to make enough money to keep their family's going. The workers in one factory in China 3,000 of them went on strike demanding an increase of 1 cent an hour in their wages. They do not get paid over time and work in harsh working conditions and do not get proper breaks and working rights.
A comparison was carried out between leading sports brands between Reebok and Nike. It showed that in the poorest countries where the Sweatshops are located that the average meal costs from about $o.60-$o.90. U.S companies such as coca-cola and Goodyear see that people need more than $1.60 a day to live on so they pay their employee's over the minim wage. Reebok pays their employee's in the factories $65 a month compared to Nike who pay just $45 a month who is working more than 72 hours a week. Just two percent of Nike's $650 million operating budget could raise the salary of their 25,000 workers from a wage of $1.60 a day to a much more livable $3 a day.
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